Monday, June 27, 2011

Women? Drinks?? ---- Ahhh… Gimme more!!

Women these days are increasingly drinking. Earlier on, drinking even for the males was considered a taboo. It slowly moved on and the drinking was accepted as an occasional phenomena. But now, from occasional drinking to regular drinking… It’s all just normal. Drinking is not considered a big deal today. Its all about being a part of something. A cult, a group, a generation...

Drinking today has become very common to both sexes, male and female and we hardly see any biases there. But then what do women actually want? And what do they actually crave for? Is there a particular drink that drives them crazy? Or are they open to anything that they just like? What do women want is the question to be asked.

There are girls who hang out with the guys just as one amongst them and slam mugs of beers, watching some sport and shouting their gut out. Whereas on the other hand we have girls who belong to the suave and sophisticated category, sitting on high stools in elite pubs with short dresses and crossed legs, holding a long stylish cigarette in one hand and a glass of cocktail or wine in the other.

Times are changing… More and more women are seen drinking these days. From bars to restaurants. From drinking at home to parties. Women, drinking is now a common phenomena.

Rum – known as the horses drink, could never be associated with women. But now there are girls who swear by old monk. From scotch to whisky, from Vodka to Gin, we can have it all.

I chose to write ‘we’ here as I am very much a part of this gender.

You name the drink and you’ll hear a voice – ‘Oh that’s a fun drink!’ ‘Oh that tastes nice!’ ‘That’s my all time favourite’ and ‘Ahhhh….gimme that!’ Women today can drink!!

But what is it that women actually like drinking? Now the choices here vary. Depending on your lifestyle, your friends, your tastes and your choices you choose your drink. Earlier on Vodka and Gin were only associated with women. But today with changing times, women are drinking everything. Beer, whisky, rum, cocktails and even doing tequila shots! Wow!

But how did this happen? Did things change suddenly? Is it even sudden or did it take its own time? I think this change has taken place in the last couple of years, when women started coming out of their closets and either started drinking or just merely accepting the fact that they drink.

With the advent of modernization, people started socializing more and more. ‘Going out’ became a common word and slowly drinking became one too. And today the ballgame has changed entirely. From ‘hanging out over coffee’ to ‘talking over drinks’. Times are changing. Good or bad? Oh it’s your outlook!

Kudos to these powers of substances…

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